About Alaf Equity

Who We Are - What We Do

A legal consulting and limited scope representation legal firm with a focus on cannabis consulting and helping clients achieve their goals.

Alaf Equity PLLC's scope of work goes beyond cannabis and ancillary services, so inquire about a free consultation and get started on your own track to success.

New York has ended its prohibition on cannabis with the passage of the “Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act” (MRTA) and with it comes a huge opportunity for new business and market opportunities unlike anything New York has seen in over a century.  Alaf Equity PLLC is a legal consulting and limited scope legal firm focusing on cannabis and business development.  With a track record in uplifting communities, Alaf Equity PLLC wants to empower, educate, and set clients on a path to success by providing full transparency through every step of the process.  

There are many options in the cannabis field and many opportunities that never touch a plant and do not require a cannabis license.  From startup entrepreneurs to experience businesspeople, the guidance of an experienced and realistic attorney can save time and money for anyone.  Alaf Equity PLLC understands the importance of stability and provides ongoing and in-house legal compliance services for all businesses.

Understanding that communities have needs for a range of issues, Alaf Equity PLLC’s experience can provide guidance in many fields of law: Family Law, Non-Profit Law, Trademark, and more.  Contact us and find out!

Meet the team of
Alaf Equity PLLC

Alaf Equity PLLC is led by Salar Rivani, Esq., an attorney with a proven track record of uplifting communities through nonprofits and legal advocacy.  Salar’s focus has always been on community.  

Salar graduated in 2014 from Brooklyn Law School with a criminal law certificate.  During law school, Salar also spent significant time interning for the Legal Aid Society.  Salar then worked his way up to senior staff attorney at New York City’s esteemed nonprofit, Urban Justice Center’s Domestic Violence Project, focusing on litigation against abusive individuals.  During his time serving nonprofits, he gained an intimate knowledge of the issues affecting communities all over New York.

Salar founded Alaf Equity PLLC to provide a transparent and cost-effective approach to legal services for all New Yorkers, especially those interested in business and community development.  Salar is also proud of his continued work with nonprofits in the cannabis space across the country, from serving on the board of Legacy Legit and as the Head of Legal Compliance for California’s Life Development Group based out of Crenshaw.

Salar is excited to bring a greater legitimacy to the cannabis market and provide guidance for those who need it most.